Saturday, June 23, 2012


I am just drawn to overly cute things. And office supplies. So when the two come together as one, it's a big deal for me. Here are a few of my favorites that I've collected over the years. Here's a little about these things:

//pink and yellow notebooks from trip with my dad to Montreal; I love how the pink notebook has pink lines
//hand notebook from Northampton, Massachusetts; the pages are in five sections that each have some different illustration like the two pictured
//Monchhichi stickers and sticky notes, heart-shaped pencil and strawberry pencil from Austin, Texas; this heart pencil is one of my favorite things ever
//heart tape thrifted in Athens, Georgia; the hearts glow in the dark big time
//pink animal costume tape from Charleston, South Carolina; it's animals dressed up like animals...just soak that one in
//blue floral fabric tape from Paris; the first decorative tape I ever bought


  1. These things are awesome! I'm just the same. I want everything to be cute. Today I bought some allergy pills in a little bottle, and when I got home I ripped off the label and covered the whole thing with crafty painted rice paper. Now it looks prettier in my purse, haha.

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  3. It’s not surprising why you got drawn to those items. They really look cute! Wouldn't it be nice if you could have all of them on your office table? They can even make you feel motivated to work all day! Thanks for sharing!

    Frank George @ Dutch Hollow Supplies


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