Tuesday, January 17, 2012


One of my favorite things to find while thrifting is children's items with original packaging because the lettering and colors are always so neat on the boxes. I love these crayons - the name, the box, the size and shape of the crayons.
I found some awesome black and white buttons (my favorite!) at a local antique mall. They're pictured on some zigzag golden yellow fabric I found at the same place. I love how they look together. 
And finally...my best find in awhile. I went to an estate sale Friday morning and wasn't to excited while initially walking around the house. Then I saw this in the kitchen corner, and snatched it up as fast as I could. I couldn't believe it was two packs of Polaroid film! It was priced with the camera, so of course I bough it all. It's a dream of a find since the film is hopelessly expensive now. I can't wait to take some pictures. Be on the lookout for the results!

1 comment:

  1. The price of Polaroid 600 film now makes me cry inside... I'm glad you snatched that up & will appreciate the awesomeness. ;)
    -Caleisha @ apt-203.blogspot.com


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