Friday, April 6, 2012


It's always hard for me to get used to living somewhere different from where I've been, but I sure can ease back into life in Athens rather quickly. I love seeing my friends, and I'm excited to see some people I haven't had the chance to visit yet. This morning I went downtown with my mom and got my hair cut (so overdue). I always love walking around down there, and we had lunch at The Grill, something I've missed doing with her.

Also, Dunkaroos are still something you can buy. This I did not know until I saw them at my friend Elizabeth's. What a good thing to know.


  1. Your haircut looks great! I went to Athens a couple times when I had friends at UGA there... such a great town! Enjoy it :)

  2. Ah I love your pictures! Your hair is adorable. I'm holding my breath on mine and growing it out. I want to cut it so bad. Your bangs are bang'n.

  3. I love your hair! and tasty world seems pretty epic.

  4. Oh, Tastyworld! My husband went to UGA and then lived in Athens for a while, and every time we go up there (I have library conferences there at least once a year) he says he'll take me, but we never go. Also, I love your haircut.


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