Monday, March 26, 2012


our first apartment together  starting my own small business and blog beach days strawberries and lemonade finding nutella & go packs going to the movies space carpet at the movies cold weather but not for long having our friends and family come visit Tasty Express (Douglas's favorite) hanging out with Lauren, Rosie, and Andrea sparklers on New Year's making things everyday figuring out what I wanted my business to become estate sales all around town beach plants the Boulevard Diner sign my first artist market bridges everywhere downtown days • feeling at home

I can't believe it's already Monday. The movers are coming Thursday morning, then within matter of hours we'll be out of Charleston. Until then, I have a lot of packing and organizing to do so it's not a disaster when I get to my parent's house.

We spent some time at the beach earlier today, and I thought about how different I felt when we were at that same beach eight months ago, when I first moved here after we got married. And I thought about everything in between. We've had an amazing, exciting time here. I just can't wait to get up to New York with Douglas and see what happens there. Stick with me here, in the next few weeks. It's gonna be busy and probably a little crazy, but I think it's gonna be good. 

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Thank you so much for reading and taking the time to say something back. I love hearing what you have to say...